Friday 7 July 2017

5 mind-blowing Benefits of sticking to a Morning Routine

hey loves! 

I just got ready with my Morning Routine! Then i decided to sit down and write this blogpost about the benefits of having a Morning Routine, because right now i am feeling every single benefit! 
if you want to know what they are - keep reading girl boss

morningroutine, morningroutine101, morning routine, girlboss, girlboss101, miraclemorning, wake up early

benefits of having a Morning Routine: 

1) Selfcare 
    I'm pretty sure that this is the most important part. In our daily life we need to take care of 
    so many things that we often forget the obvious: we also have to take care of ourselves! 
    I'm a strong believer of the thought that we should put ourselves on top of our priority list 
    every single day! Because if we don't take care of ourselves, no one will. We will not be 
    able to live life to its fullest and achieve everything we want if we are not taking care of the 
    person who needs to accomplish everything - US.

2) It calms you down  & reduces stress 
    When you take care of yourself you automatically do things that calm you down and by that you
    reduce your stress levels a lot! Doing this before doing anything als in your daily live will get 
    you ready for all the obstacles that will come in your way and you will be able to react more 
    calmly, patient and emotionally stable. 

3) You will be more productive & motivated  
     Another benefit is that you will be more productive and motivated. By thinking about the two 
     points I made before i guess it will be obvious why this happens. You took care of yourself, you 
     calmed down, you reduced your stress and are patient and emotionally stable. It makes you
     feel like now nothing can get in your way anymore - you can achieve anything!
     (read more about productivity)

4) You will have more energy 
     Often in our lives we feel like we just got no energy left to get out of bed and do life. It feels 
     impossible to do all the tasks that are needed. And i can tell you, 90% of the times the reason 
     for this is that we don't take care of ourselves. There is no energy left because we haven't charged 
     our batteries since weeks. There were so many things to do that we just had no time for this.

5) You will gain time 
     This may sound a bit strange.. you spend more time on your routine and you still gain time?
     yes! It is simple. You practice selfcare, you declutter your mind, you get ready for the day and so
     on. You will be less distracted and more able to focus when you start your work tasks, this causes
     that you work much faster and be ready sooner! You would want to renounce this? 

Okey girl, that's it for today. Stay tuned for ideas for your morning routine and how to wake 
up earlier! I hope you have a nice day, see you on Monday. 

Love, Sarah 

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