Wednesday 5 July 2017

10 helpful Tips to make Productivity become your Superpower

hey loves! 

after telling you how to plan your goals - i thought that explaining to you how you can make productivity become your superpower would be a great idea!

i heard many people talking about the fact that they got goals.. maybe they even got a great plan and still they are not actually achieving it.
you may think there is too much to do, you ain't got enough time which ends in procrastination and will leave you disappointed of yourself.. the list is endless. but good news! this is the point where productivity comes in.
to me productivity means:

  • doing the most you can to achieve your goal 
  • in the smallest possible amount of time 
  • while still feeling happy and not burning out  
  • enough time left to rest and recover 

storytime: i remember a time in my life where i were really motivated for school. it was around one year before my graduation at high school and i just wanted to get good grades and stuff. so i started learning day in - day out. but after a few days i stopped. because nothing i did really lead me to anything, i felt so drained. i were spending hours just to go to bed stressed out and wake up stressed out again. i was just not working productive. 

so here are my 5 best tips on how to work productive: 

1) Set goals and know your priorities: 
    I see a lot of people setting to many goals or to many tasks for one day. Also writing things down 
    that they don't want to achieve full-heartedly and this is a big mistake. Only go for a goal you
    really want to achieve. Look at your to do list/goal list and cut everything out that does not need 
    to be done today/this month/etc. I don't mean to give up your goals, but don't go for to many at 
    one time. This will not lead you to accomplish anything. 

2) Create a morning routine and stick to it 
    This may sound like a senseless thing but still I'm sure you have heard about it many times. I am  
    definitely going to create a blogpost on this one but for know: if you have your own morning 
    routine every single day it will set you for the day. You will be a lot happier, motivated and 
    inspired. It gets you ready to conquer the day! 

3) Set Timelines
    I guess your first thought at this one will be something like: NO this will just stress me out even 
    more. Trust me, i get you! Don't set timelines with this forcing undertone they give you. Set them 
    like a nice reminder that now is the time you will finish your next task, this is a happy thing! If you
    use them with the right mindset they will motivate you to get everything done. 

4) Simplify 
    This goes in handy with the first Tip. Look at your to do list - are there senseless things? are there 
    things that don't really need to be done (today/this week)? if yes - cross them out. You don't have 
    to do too much, we don't want you to burn out, girl. 

5) Motivation & Inspiration 
    When you are constantly motivated and inspired working for your goals will seem a lot easier and 
    achievable. A Blogpost on how to keep yourself motivated and inspired is going to come soon! So 
    don't forget to subscribe and check in, if you don't want to miss this. 

6) Take breaks 
    Yes on the first look breaks will seem like something that will only waste your time. "But 
     meanwhile i could have achieved this and this and this..." oh girl i can already hear you. But 
     taking small breaks around the day every now and then will charge your batteries and help you 
     give your real potential to every task! 

7) No distractions and no multitasking
    I guess this one is self explainable. Both things just keep you from focusing all your energy on the
    task you are doing right now. Put your phone on silent, turn out notifications. 

8) To do list 
     This one is also clear. It will keep you from forgetting what you need to do. And trust me, it's an 
     awesome feeling to cross out the task after finishing it. 

9) Get enough sleep
    Being tired will just keep you from living and working to your full potential. Wake up every 
    morning refreshed and fulfilled with energy - you will see a great shift in your productivity. 

10) Get up early
      It may take you some time to get there but it will be so worth it! I wake up everyday at 5:30 am
      and first it gives me the chance to have a nice, long and energizing morning routine that will 
      prepare me for the day. And second it is just an amazing feeling to know that you are working
      for your goals while everyone is still sleeping or just got up drinking a coffee.

become productive, productivity, motivation, productive tips, productive habits, increase productivity, plan your life, planning, organization, girlboss101, girlboss, productivity101, planning101

That's it for today girlbosses. I hope I could help you with this one! If you got any ideas or questions: feel free to contact me at any time, i'm happy about every message it get. 

Also stay tuned: my next blogpost about the benefits of a morning Routine will be coming out on Friday! 

Lots of Love   


© search serendipity
Maira Gall